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#2 - Do I need a personal injury lawyer if I’ve been in a car accident

#2 Do I need a personal injury lawyer if I’ve been in a car accident?

Injured? Start Here, Personal Injury Claims

QUESTION: Do I need a personal injury attorney if I’ve been involved in a car accident?

ANSWER: Not everyone involved in a car accident needs to hire a personal injury attorney; about 60% do not. Nonetheless, a free consultation with an attorney is beneficial to understand the claims process and ensure you’re making informed decisions. This opportunity allows you to learn about your rights, what to expect from insurance companies, and how to protect your claim. It’s important because insurance adjusters are professionals at negotiating. Consulting with a lawyer provides insights into handling medical treatments, bills, and settlement offers, helping to safeguard your interests without any obligation to hire.

Do I need a personal injury attorney if I’ve been involved in a car accident?


Sixty percent of the people that we talk to, who’ve been injured in a car accident, do not need to hire a lawyer.

That doesn’t mean you don’t need legal advice and help understanding the claims process and what to anticipate.

Personal Injury Attorneys always provide free, no-obligation consultations and case evaluations. Talking with an experienced lawyer is a great opportunity for you to ask questions, get good information about what the insurance company should and should not be doing, and receive guidance about the next best steps to take with your personal injury claim.

When talking with an adjuster for an insurance company, you are dealing with someone who is a trained professional — analyzing and negotiating is what they do for a living. Hopefully, this is the first and will be the last auto accident you’ll be involved in. If this is your first accident, how are you supposed to know what the insurance companies should and should not be doing?

There’s no downside to talking with an attorney about your accident and the details surrounding your personal injury claim. You shouldn’t feel obligated and you don’t have to hire them to represent you.

A NO-FEE initial consultation is a service that all personal injury attorneys provide.

When consulting with an attorney, some of the important questions that you may not have thought of but you should know the answers to protect you and your claim include: “Should I wait to see my medical treatment? Who’s going to be paying for my medical bills? The other person’s insurance company wants me to sign a medical authorization, should I do that? Thirty days after the collision, the adjuster is offering me a settlement, should I settle my case?

When you talk with an attorney who has specific experience with personal injury cases, you’ll get the answers you need to important questions that will help protect you from adversely impacting your claim and to have the best possible outcome.

Whether you’re our client or not, we want to be a bridge of support for you.

We’ve developed a robust library of articles and videos organized into four topics which include our responses to the personal injury claim-related questions we’re asked most often.

The articles provide advice and guidelines to help you navigate each phase of the personal injury claims process. Whether we represent you or not, we are passionate about helping you protect your rights, you receiving the medical care you need to recover from your injuries, and having the information you need to avoid mistakes that can harm your personal injury claim.

We are here to be a bridge of support. If you have questions about how to navigate the personal injury claim process, we're happy to talk with you. Whether you're our client or not, we want for you to get the information you need to protect your rights and your claim.

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