Bridge City Law Logo

Proud to be Part of
the Global B Corp Movement

And the First
Certified B Corporation
Personal Injury Law Firm
In the World

Certified B Corp Logo

Proud to be part of
the global B Corp Movement

And the First
Certified B Corporation
Personal Injury Law Firm
In the World

Certified B Corp Logo

Certified B Corporations, or more commonly, B Corps, are leaders in the global movement for an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy. Unlike other business certifications, a B Corp meets the rigorous standards of social and environmental impact.

B Corps are redefining success in the business world by considering the impact of their decisions on workers, customers, suppliers, communities, and the environment. They are legally required to balance profit with a broader purpose of creating a positive impact on society.

B Corps are redefining success in the business world by considering the impact of their decisions on workers, customers, suppliers, communities, and the environment. They are legally required to balance profit with a broader purpose of creating a positive impact on society.

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A Legal Commitment to
Prioritize People and Planet
Along with Profit

A Visionary Way of
Doing Business

A Global Movement and
Community Using Business
as a Force for Good

A Call to Conduct Business
with Transparency and

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legal commitment (1)

A Legal Commitment to
Prioritize People and Planet
Along with Profit

visionary (1)

A Visionary Way of
Doing Business


A Global Movement and
Community Using Business
as a Force for Good

call to conduct

A Call to Conduct Business
with Transparency and

Behind the B: What it Means to Be a B Corp

Determined to Do More

As a mission-driven personal injury law firm,
being a B Corp aligns with and amplifies our commitment to make a difference in the lives of clients, our team, medical providers, in our community, and for the environment.

Completing the
structured framework

of the certification process enhanced and expanded our business practices and operations, ensuring they’re in harmony with our values of social and environmental responsibility.

Becoming the first B Corp
Certified personal injury law
firm in the world,

we are in a unique position to trailblaze a path in the legal field, contributing to a new standard for ethical and purpose-driven practices.

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As a mission-driven personal injury law firm,
being a B Corp aligns with and amplifies our commitment to make a difference in the lives of clients, our team, medical providers, in our community, and for the environment.

Completing the
structured framework

of the certification process enhanced and expanded our business practices and operations, ensuring they’re in harmony with our values of social and environmental responsibility.

Becoming the first B Corp
Certified personal injury law
firm in the world,

we are in a unique position to trailblaze a path in the legal field, contributing to a new standard for ethical and purpose-driven practices.

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As a B Corp, we aim to grow our impact
within our community by offering our
expertise, resources, and influence to address systemic issues, promote access to justice, and support underrepresented communities.

The B Corp Certification attracts
talented legal professionals and like-minded
individuals who share our passion for making a difference, which draws clients who share our values and who seek legal representation that aligns with their beliefs.

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B Corps form a global network of businesses driven to use business as a force for good, providing opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing. By being a part of the B Corp community, we connect with other firms and organizations dedicated to social impact, allowing us to learn from their experiences, share best practices, and collectively drive positive change within the legal industry.

B the change

We Have A Dream.
That One Day, All Companies Will Compete Not Only To
Be The Best In The World But The Best For The World. B Corp™

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Approaching 7,000
Certified B Corporations

12b-90-Countries (1)

in over
90 countries

12c-160-Industries (1)

in more than
160 industries

12d-Unify-Goal (1)

with one
unifying goal

and growing. rapidly.

how does a business become a b corp?

become a b corp (1)

Certification is granted once a business:

Completes the B Impact Assessment (BIA)

Submits the necessary documentation

Meets all the requirements

Passing the interview review process

To become a Certified B Corp, a business undergoes a comprehensive evaluation process, which includes an assessment of its governance structure, worker benefits and practices, environmental initiatives, and impact on the community. The B Impact Assessment (BIA) verifies whether the company has explicitly defined its positive impact goals, and provides a framework for measuring and benchmarking a company’s actual impact.

BIA logo

Evaluates a company’s overall mission, legal accountability, ethics, and if its decision-making processes consider all stakeholders.

Assesses the company’s compensation packages, work environment, training, and efforts to promote diversity, inclusion, and worker well-being.

Focuses on a company’s impact on its customers, overall value proposition, and efforts to provide transparency and accurate information.

Examines and evaluates the relationship the company has with the communities in which it operates and their efforts to create positive social outcomes.

Evaluates a company’s environmental practices, commitment to sustainability, and efforts to minimize its carbon footprint and mitigate climate change.


Evaluates a company’s overall mission, legal accountability, ethics, and if its decision-making processes consider all stakeholders.


Assesses the company’s compensation packages, work environment, training, and efforts to promote diversity, inclusion, and worker well-being


Focuses on a company’s impact on its customers, overall value proposition, and efforts to provide transparency and accurate information.


Examines and evaluates the relationship the company has with the communities in which it operates and their efforts to create positive social outcomes.


Evaluates a company’s environmental practices, commitment to sustainability, and efforts to minimize its carbon footprint and mitigate climate change.

BIA logo

How has becoming a b corp

Transformed Our Law Practice?

B Corp is the standard for how we’ll define the future of ethical, socially, and environmentally responsible business. We’ve joined the thousands of other businesses around the world striving to redefine success in business by contributing to a more sustainable and inclusive economy. Here are some ways the B Corp certification process and being a part of the B Corp movement has raised the bar for our firm.

Client-Centered Approach:Our commitment to social responsibility is the heart of the relationships with build with our clients. We prioritize empathy, transparency, and clear communication to ensure that our clients feel supported and informed throughout their legal journey.


Ethical Procurement of Services:We carefully select, assess, and intentionally collaborate with vendors and suppliers who align with our values, ensuring our contribution to ethically and socially responsible businesses.


Environmental Stewardship: Our certification as a B Corp is driving us to reduce our environmental footprint. We have implemented sustainable practices within our office, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and promoting eco-friendly initiatives.


Community Engagement: We actively engage with our local community, supporting organizations and initiatives that promote access to justice, advocate for vulnerable populations, and contribute to the well-being of the Portland area.


Measuring Impact: As a B Corp, we measure and report our social and environmental impact, providing metrics and a processes to set goals and milestones for continuous improvement.


As a purpose-driven personal injury law firm in Portland, Oregon, our journey to become the first B Corp Certified personal injury law firm in the world represents a groundbreaking endeavor. By aligning our values with the rigorous standards of B Corp certification, we have chosen to position ourselves at the forefront of ethical and values-based legal practices.

Together, we are advancing the practice of personal injury law and creating a lasting impact for our clients, community, and the world.

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why becoming a b corp matters

A Message From Jim Dwyer,
Managing Partner Of Bridge City Law

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Growing up with a father who ran his own law firm for 55 years, I have been around small businesses all my life. When I learned about an organization and a process that helps businesses better understand how they can have a greater impact on their clients, teams, communities, and environment — I was sold, and I knew it was something I wanted to pursue for the firm. I didn’t realize when we started the path to certification that the B Corp movement, the local B Corp organization, and the assessment process were things I’d been seeking for years.

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There are lots of seminars, books, and consultants that provide valuable advice on how to run a more efficient and profitable business. What is greatly lacking are metrics and benchmarks that help business owners understand the small steps that, when taken consistently, can make a significant impact on how a business contributes to:

  • The experience clients have being guided through the complexity of the personal injury claims process
  • How a team feels about the firm they work for, the people they work alongside each day, and their individual contribution
  • The economic and social wellbeing of their communities
  • Organizations and initiatives that help the environment and restore the balance between people, nature, and business

Through the certification process and being a part of the Oregon B Corp community, I have learned a tremendous amount about how Bridge City Law can continue to prosper while also being a business that benefits people and the planet.

increasing impact

Changes We’ve Made at the Firm to
Increase Our Impact

  • Adding Spanish translation to our website and printed and digital resources for members of our community where Spanish is their preferred language for reading
  • Offering video meetings, digital signing of documents, and electronic settlement payments
  • Expanding our phone hours to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Increasing employee benefits and incentives for our team
  • Increasing team-building events, including paid volunteer days with our community partner non-profit organizations
  • Adding a hybrid work model that is designed to support flexibility and work-life harmony
  • Partnering with local non-profit organizations to establish an annual employee paid community volunteer program
  • Providing quarterly ‘Building Bridges Through the Love of Food’ fundraising events for local organizations working to fight food insecurity in our community
  • Setting up monthly financial contributions for organizations serving the most vulnerable and underserved members of our community
  • Moving to being a nearly paperless law firm
  • Reducing our carbon impact by changing our delivered plastic drinking water bottles to a filtered process water system within the office
  • Offsetting our carbon footprint by contributing to verified environmental programs to restore freshwater ecosystems, increase access to clean energy, and improve water and air quality for communities across the globe
  • *BONUS: The Property Management Company for the downtown Portland building we lease is also a B Corp, and there are more environmentally sustainable changes coming
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We envision a global economy that uses business as a force for good. This economy is comprised of a new type of corporation – the B Corporation – which is purpose-driven and creates benefits for all stakeholders, not just shareholders.

As Certified B Corporations and leaders of this emerging economy, we believe:

  • That we must be the change we seek in the world.
  • That all business ought to be conducted as if people and place mattered.
  • That, through their products, practices, and profits, businesses should aspire to do no harm and benefit all.
  • To do so requires that we act with the understanding that we are each dependent upon one another and thus responsible for each other and future generations.

Curious About
the b corp movement?

Learn How to Become a Certified B Corporation

B The Change and Create the Impact You Want to Make

Join a Movement that’s Changing the World

Already a B Corp? Want to B
More Involved?

Join the Community Where Nearly 180 Oregon B Corps Gather

Develop Connections with Other Purpose-Driven Businesses

Foster Meaningful Relationships and Collaborations

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