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#7 - What do I tell the IME doctor if I have had similar problems in the past

#7 What do I tell the IME doctor if I have had similar problems in the past?


QUESTION: What do I tell the IME doctor if I’ve had similar problems in the past?​

ANSWER: If an IME doctor asks questions about past similar issues you’ve had, your honesty is critical. Reflect carefully on your history and be prepared to respond to questions about any previous accidents, injuries, or similar treatment you’ve had. If you are unsure about the question the IME doctors asks you, say, “No, not that I recall.” to keep your response truthful. Consulting with family members and close friends about past accidents and injuries, in preparation for your IME can be very helpful in helping you to remember similar issues you may have forgotten. Consulting with a personal injury attorney can also be very helpful with understanding how to accurately present your medical history and maintain the integrity of your claim.

What do I tell the IME doctor if I’ve had similar problems in the past?

Your credibility throughout a personal injury claim is of the utmost importance. Your responses to the questions the IME doctor asks will establish your credibility. If your answers to the questions the provider asks are called into question, you’re going to have problems having the truth believed. This can impact your medical bills being paid and harm your personal injury claim.

When you’ve had prior similar problems to the injuries and symptoms that you’re experiencing from your car accident, it will help you respond confidently to the IME providers’ questions if you spend time thinking about your past injuries and your responses.

The questions you want to consider are:

When the IME doctor asks, “Have you had any similar problems in the past?” if you  forget something, the doctor will write in the report that you were not being honest.

This is why it’s critical to maintaining your PIP benefits and taking good care of your personal injury claim to carefully think about past injuries — especially those that are similar to your current issues.

It can also be helpful to talk with your significant other, a family member, or someone you know really well if they can recall anything happening where you were injured.

It’s easy to forget injuries and accidents, especially when some time has passed. The problem is with these types of questions, events that happened two, three, four — eight, nine, ten years ago, it’s just not top-of-the-mind and we forget.

If you don’t remember an event happening or a prior injury, rather than saying “No, I’ve never had a problem.” simply say, “No, not that I recall.” That is a far better answer, because you may be forgetting something. When answering, “No, not that I recall.” you’re answering the question honestly and to the best of your recollection.

Taking the time to prepare for the IME is time well spent. Give some careful thought about past injuries or problems. Talk with the people close to you to see if they remember things you may have forgotten. It’s also a good idea to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney. This type of lawyer offers a no-fee, no-obligation, initial consultation. They will talk through the unique circumstances of your situation and personal injury claim to make sure you’re well-prepared for your IME.

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