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#5 - What do I need to know about the Independent Medical Exam (IME) doctor

#5 What do I need to know about the Independent Medical Exam (IME) doctor?


QUESTION: What do I need to know about the Independent Medical Examination (IME) doctor? ​

RESPUESTA: IME doctors are not neutral; they’re selected by insurance companies to justify ending your PIP benefits. Their role is not to treat you but to examine you and ask you a series of questions to provide a report to the insurance company. There is no medical provider-patient confidentiality in an IME, as their role isn’t to help in your recovery. Before an IME, consult with a personal injury attorney to protect your rights and PIP benefits. They offer no-fee, no-obligation, case evaluation initial consultations.

What do I need to know about the Independent Medical Examination (IME) doctor?

Have you ever been to a doctor who wasn’t your doctor? Have you been to a doctor whose primary purpose wasn’t to help you get better? Have you been seen by a doctor who works for somebody else and not you? It’s important to understand the role of an IME doctor and the purpose of the examination BEFORE you go to the appointment.

First, this IME doctor is NOT neutral.

They may be called an ‘Independent’ Medical Examination doctor, but please be aware they are not at all independent. Insurance companies use doctors from a specific network of providers because the doctors will write exam reports that will work against you.

The insurance company is paying for a report that provides justification to cut off paying for your PIP benefits.

Second, an IME doctor is not your doctor and they’re not a part of your medical provider team who are helping you recover from your injuries from your car accident. They have been hired by the insurance company for one reason and that is to write a report that benefits them.

Third, the appointment with the IME doctor is not for treatment. He or she is only there to examine you and then to write a report for the insurance company. The doctor will make that clear at the beginning of the exam because they’re required to do so by law.

Fourth, there is no doctor-patient relationship. That means what you say is not confidential and their role is not your health, recovery, and in your best interest.

If you are required to go for an IME, before you schedule the appointment, talk with an experienced personal injury attorney. The lawyer provides a no-fee, no-obligation initial consultation. The attorney will look at the specific facts of your case and advise you on how to help protect you, your PIP benefits, and your personal injury claim.

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