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Portland Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyers

After a hit-and-run accident, you may be left feeling alone and confused and will likely have questions.


  • Who was responsible for the auto accident and your injuries?
  • Who’s going to pay to repair your car?
  • Who’s going to pay for a rental or a replacement car if yours has been totaled?
  • How can you pay for your ongoing medical treatment now that you’re out of work due to your injuries?

An accident can be devastating for you and your entire family. The aftermath of an accident can be a time of uncertainty and confusion. If you weren’t able to identify the other person involved in the collision, this may only add to your stress, frustration, and concerns. While your situation may seem hopeless, a hit-and-run attorney in Portland from the Bridge City Law Firm can provide the legal guidance and support that you need. Our compassionate and knowledgeable Portland personal injury lawyers will stand by your side and help you navigate this complex legal process. We give each client’s case the care and attention it deserves and provide legal services that are tailored to support each client’s unique needs and circumstances.

Hit-And-Run Attorney Portland — A Law Firm You Can Turn to for Compassionate and Knowledgeable Legal Guidance

A hit-and-run traffic accident occurs when one driver leaves the scene of the accident. While the crash may have been accidental, fleeing the scene of the accident was not. When you’re involved in a motor vehicle accident, you’re required to stop and exchange insurance information and contact medical providers and authorities if necessary. Leaving the scene of an accident can result in significant legal trouble for the at-fault motorist who fled the scene, including criminal penalties.

At Bridge City Law, our attorneys are committed to taking care of the legal hassles and treated fairly, so you can take care of what’s most important — regaining your health.

If you were involved in a hit-and-run collision, you should seek legal guidance from an experienced hit-and-run accident lawyer in Portland.


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  • Estamos Disponibles para Usted 24/7
  • NO HAY CARGO NI OBLIGACIÓN para una Consulta Inicial
  • No Paga una Tarifa Hasta Que Resolvamos Su Caso con Éxito
  • Somos Experimentados, Hábiles, Receptivos y Hemos Manejado Miles de Casos
  • Tomamos un Enfoque Compasivo a la Ley de Lesiones Personales
  • Sabemos Como Negociar para Maximizar Resultados

Hit-And-Run Injuries

This type of accident can cause a wide range of injuries, whether the collision was between a driver and a pedestrian or two or more drivers. Any type of injury sustained in a hit-and-run collision is the responsibility of the motorists involved.

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Additionally, when an accident victim’s pain and suffering or injuries are enhanced by the other motorist’s failure to follow the proper post-collision protocol, the extent of these damages will be the responsibility of the motorist who left the accident scene.

These injuries may include:

  • Fracturas de hueso
  • Daño a los órganos internos
  • Whiplash
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Lesiones en la espalda
  • Lesiones en el cuello
  • Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
  • Daño a los tejidos blandos
  • Esguinces
  • Quemaduras
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Additionally, when an accident victim’s pain and suffering or injuries are enhanced by the other motorist’s failure to follow the proper post-collision protocol, the extent of these damages will be the responsibility of the motorist who left the accident scene.

These injuries may include:

  • Fracturas de hueso
  • Daño a los órganos internos
  • Whiplash
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Lesiones en la espalda
  • Lesiones en el cuello
  • Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
  • Daño a los tejidos blandos
  • Esguinces
  • Quemaduras


In a Hit-and-Run Crash in Multnomah County

Leaving the scene of an accident is a crime and should be prosecuted as such. In Oregon, a driver is legally required to provide needed assistance if someone is injured in an accident they were involved in. This includes contacting emergency medical support if someone is injured and complying with law enforcement.

Regardless of the severity of a collision, drivers must, at the very least, stop to exchange insurance and contact information.


If the Driver at Fault is Never Caught?

If the innocent driver was not able to get any information from the at-fault driver and was unable to take down their license plate number, then it can be almost impossible to file a claim against the other driver’s insurance company. In this situation, the accident victim’s own insurance company must step in to cover the damages.

Uninsured motorist coverage is required in the state of Oregon. Drivers are required to carry $25,000 in

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underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage per person, in addition to $25,000 in uninsured motorist bodily injury.

While your uninsured motorist coverage will take the place of the person who did the hit and run, it will not cover your property damage unless you have full coverage or underinsured motorist property damage.


After a Hit-and-Run Accident?

There are several types of damages that you can recover in a hit-and-run accident, depending on the circumstances of your case and the severity of your injuries and other damages.

These damages may include:

  • Gastos médicos pasados ​​y futuros
  • Compensación por dolor y sufrimiento
  • Medical bills
  • Loss of wages
  • Estrés emocional
  • Damage to property
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Loss of quality of life

And other financial losses.

There are several types of damages that you can recover in a hit-and-run accident, depending on the circumstances of your case and the severity of your injuries and other damages.

These damages may include:

  • Gastos médicos pasados ​​y futuros
  • Compensación por dolor y sufrimiento
  • Medical bills
  • Loss of wages
  • Estrés emocional
  • Damage to property
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Loss of quality of life

And other financial losses.

Working with an experienced car accident attorney is the most effective way to determine what damages you may be entitled to after a motor vehicle accident. An attorney can help you identify all damages associated with the collision and gather vital evidence and the proper documentation to prove those damages to help you receive maximum compensation.


With an Auto Insurance Company

Shortly after an accident, your insurance company may make a settlement offer that doesn’t reflect the full damages you’ve suffered. If you accept the settlement, it will prevent you from seeking compensation in the future, even if your health condition worsens due to the injuries you sustained in the accident.

Oregon Statute of Limitations Circle
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If you plan to file an auto accident injury claim, working with an accident lawyer is the most effective way to ensure you receive a fair settlement for your injuries and other damages. An attorney will negotiate on your behalf to make sure you receive fair compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering, and other losses.

It’s easy to assume that because you are making a claim through your own insurance, they will treat you better. Unfortunately, that is not correct. They should, but they don’t. They will treat you the same as another driver making an injury claim against them.

At Bridge City Law, We Want You to Have


If you were involved in a hit-and-run accident, the best way to protect yourself and your claim is to consult with a personal injury lawyer as soon as you can after your accident. An experienced hit-and-run attorney will help you understand your legal options and provide the guidance you need to move forward.

When you meet with us, we’ll sit down with you to learn all about your case, answer any questions you may have, and help support you through the complex personal injury claims process. We’re on your side and will be fierce advocates on your behalf to ensure the best possible outcome for your claim.

Portland Car Accident Attorneys

Ubicada en el impresionante noroeste del Pacífico, la vibrante comunidad de Portland, Oregón, es famosa por su tapiz de vecindarios acogedores, escena artística ecléctica, talento culinario, experiencias gastronómicas innovadoras y aventuras al aire libre. Sumérjase en el rico patrimonio cultural explorando la icónica Ciudad de los Libros de Powell o visitando el renombrado Museo de Arte de Portland. Disfrute de las muchas gemas ocultas en los carritos de comida centrados en el vecindario o disfrute de las experiencias gastronómicas de la granja a la mesa. Con su proximidad a impresionantes maravillas naturales como Mount Hood, Columbia River Gorge y la cercana costa de Oregón, los entusiastas de las actividades al aire libre encontrarán infinitas oportunidades para practicar senderismo, ciclismo y kayak.


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